Friday, January 8, 2010

The END....

Today is the last day of the digital cleanse. I survived!!! I am back on twitter and facebook and life is GOOD!!! I proved to myself that I CAN do without both...but I so don't want to!

This experiment proved to me that I really am an ANTI SOCIAL person. I was perfectly content to occupy my time with singular endeavors that left me in my solitude. In spite of not having that social contact with my friends via the internet I still was not interested or motivated to seek social interaction with people face to face. I'm just not that into people. I've always joked that the only person I care to commune with is myself...but it IS infact true. I've also proved to myself that I am an insomniac. Even without twitter to keep me online 'til all hours of the morning I could not fall asleep before 4 am.

I realize I need to force myself to seek personal connections outside of the internet. I have friends and family but I'm just not into seeking them out. The ONE friend I do care to spend time with has a busy life and demanding job as well as health issues that prevent her from going out. Maybe I NEED to seek her out on her terms. I'm a horrible friend I guess. I need to work on that this coming year. She and I do however have a date later this month to see Dallas Green in Austin. I need to make sure she's still up to it. I already bought the tickets but if she's not up to it I'll need to make other arrangements. Or maybe sell them. I hope she still wants to go. I think she'd enjoy it. She needs to get out and have some fun once in a while too.

The biggest thing I realized during this cleanse is that I get ALL my news from twitter. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But I was so out of the loop this week. I'm not big on television...mostly because the programming on ALL channels is pretty much shite! I'm usually scanning the news tweets for important stories and info both locally and world wide. This week however I didn't even think to look at the websites. I'm so used to the quick headlines in the form of tweets. I think I need a more rounded approach to my new intake.

This was indeed an educational experiment. I appreciate what I learned about myself. I now see that my will is stronger than I first assumed, but I also observed that my social skills are weak. Things I will most definitely need to work on this year.

Thank you John Mayer for suggesting this adventure....but if you ever try this again...You're on your own buddy. I'm embracing my addictions and my weaknesses!! :o) I missed my friends and my twitter!!! ;o)

And yes!!! I managed to keep my fish alive through clever manipulations of my nephew and niece...they liked the application when I showed them before the new getting them to log onto my facebook to feed my fish was an easy sell. And I also had a friend feeding them so they were well maintained. Now I'm back to my twitter and fishville addictions.

Look out Twitter...The BITCH is BACK!! and I'm not talking about Elton John!! ;o)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6...

Almost home. There was a moment yesterday when I almost caved...I wanted so badly to throw in the towel but I realized...I'm almost home. Three more days and I can go back to whoring it out on Twitter again. I'm more than halfway through...thus my crisis was averted.

This has been a strange experiment. I know the premise was that being off the "grid" so to speak would make us more personally social but I guess its just not my nature to be a social butterfly. I've always been a loner. I've always had friends and TONS of acquaintances...but...I've never been a social person. I knew about all the parties in high school. I could have gone to keggers every weekend had I wanted. I just prefer to be alone. This experiment has proven that beyond a doubt. I'm as "social" as I've ever been. Frankly...I'm MORE social online than I've EVER been in person. I'm a homebody by nature. I like the comfort of MY things, MY space. I'm uncomfortable when I'm not in control. Yes, I go out, I'm most definitely not a shut in. I go to the theaters and recently I've started going to concerts(a totally new experience for me which I may blog about later). I go out with friends to dinner. I've even been known to go shopping...which, if you knew me, is HUGE!!

I tried watching television, something I don't do a lot. I'm afraid that there isn't a lot of programming I'd CHOOSE to watch. I'm sorry but all that reality tv crap is so contrived and obviously scripted its ridiculous. And all these "teen" dramas are pointless. I do however like LIE TO ME, HOUSE and the crime dramas. I've always been a crime drama girl. But frankly, television has become a wealth of shite programming. Is it any wonder the youth of America are brain dead? Seriously, even children's programming has become violent, trite and overly sexual. I'm sorry, tv isn't even fit for the birds.

I guess another option I could try would be to read, but I'm bad about reading. If I read a book, I will not put it down til I'm finished. Case in point, I recently read THE BLIND SIDE, the book which the movie was partly based. It was so good, and even though I had already seen the movie I could not put it down until I'd read the last word on the last page. I read for 10hrs straight, taking neither food nor drink 'til I'd finished. Reading might be a dangerous distraction. Especially since I was hoping that abstaining from online shenanigans would afford me a chance to sleep. I thought that maybe, just maybe my zeal for wreaking havoc online with my slew of friends worldwide was the most deciding factor in my insomnia. NOT so. :o( even when i tried to sleep early; I couldn't fall asleep 'til 5 or 6 am.

For the last 3 days, or has it been 4, I've been amusing myself with the PSP. I downloaded a demo version of Rockband for PSP. OMG it so rocks. I taught my niece how to play. The little turd rocked out a 100,000 point score in warmup mode On AFI's Miss Murder on the guitar track. FIRST TIME OUT!!!! She's 7 yrs old. I also taught my nephew how to play Crash Tag Team Racing on PSP. He actually finished a race. He came in dead last but he finished it. He's only 2yrs old. Yes, I am a rocking aunt. I'm corrupting my niece and nephew with PSP!!! good thing I have 2 PSPs, 1 DS and 1 Gameboy Advance. What I really need is a PS3 or a Wii so we can play together. I will totally PWN least until they understand what they're doing. Then I'll retire. ;o) I'm not about to get pwnd by my 9 yr old nephew and 7 yr old niece.

Anyway...2 more days and I'm home free. 2 more days... this SHOULD be a piece of cake. oooh cake....I want some cake. I should still have some spice cake and some whipped cream...mmmmm. Gotta go!! bye!

Monday, January 4, 2010

End of Day 4....

..and this digital cleanse thing is about to break me....literally. No social networking means lots of free time late at night....which of course means WINDOWS shopping. John Mayer is detrimental to my wallet. Seriously....wandering about the web hitting my favorite online stores....I'm looking at a serious dent to my tour fund. I must resist spending... I Must Resist spending...I MUST RESIST spending; I think my Must NOT Break mantra will be replaced with this.

I'm finding other things to occupy my time, however i don't see myself socializing much more than I normally do. I'm not a very social person. I guess this experiment was not really aimed at me. I haven't replaced my regular relationships with online ones...I never really had them. I'm the kind of person who prefers her own company. I'm totally personable; I make friends easily, but I'm just content to be alone. I'm that wierd dichotomy of complete loner and "life of the party".

Maybe I'll start the great American novel...HA!! Yeah, right, that's too big of a committment from me. I'm still struggling with a week long committment to stay off the social network sites. My attention span is way to short for a novel. I can barely get through a short story. I'm rambling but I'm only blogging for something to do, other than shopping. Its only halfway working. I think I should go see a movie. Maybe get a couple video games. I downloaded the Rockband for PSP demo and its so fun. I'm definitely buying the full version. I never understood the allure of the game...but now I TOTALLY DO!!! I think I may have a new addiction. :o) And if you knew anything about'd know I have LOTS of addictions. :o) But not bad ones....well not the worst ones.

Anyway, I really don't have anything to say...and I feel like this is even more random than even I'm used to. I bid you farewell and god Friday can't get here soon enough. Thing is...if I do last til Friday I probably won't even care to tweet or facebook. Its mostly the idea that I'm not allowed that makes it so irresistable. Once I'm allowed to do it again, I won't feel that overwhelming urge to do so. Ahhh... such is life.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Digital Cleanse...

Okay, so I admit it, I'm not a great blogger. I'm, quite honestly, a lousy one, I don't post consistently at all. In fact I often forget that I even have a blog..or three or four. :o) Yeah, I know, I totally suck at this.

In saying this, I find that now, that I am banned from Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and any other social network from which I might obtain my "fix" I am remembering that I do indeed have blogs. Hmmm, now the problem becomes....what do I blog about. I don't have anything important to say. Nothing of interest to anyone but myself....and maybe a few others. I'm no one special...okay that's not entirely true...I'm freaking AWESOME if you get to know me. Okay, enough of that, my conceit does have its bounds. Why am I banned from social networks you ask? Well because I am a fool and decided to do John Mayer's digital cleanse. ( for details)

I'm a huge twitter whore...I admit it. I'm also a GINORMOUS music fan. I follow my favorite artists on twitter and John Mayer happens to be one of them. He's amazingly funny and irreverant--two things I absolutely love about him. If you don't follow him...go do it now. You WON'T regret it, I promise. Anyway, a week or so before New Year's John put out the idea of a digital cleanse. You know this is true, He had observed in his own life how much of his time was devoted to relationships/connections via the web. Our society has replaced actual connections to real human beings with virtual relationships with what we hope are real humans via the internet through social networks such as TWITTER, Facebook and Myspace, to name the most prevalent. We've become complacent in our humanness by allowing ourselves to live through these electronic proxies. In order to force himself OUT of this complacency, John Mayer put forth this idea of doing a "digital cleansing" by abstaining from all forms of social networking. Its so much a part of our mainstream and our lifestyles that its actually seemed a daunting task. The idea is to not visit, post, or even READ sites such as twitter, facebook, myspace, tabloid sites....and even NOT texting. If we MUST connect with someone we should do it face to face or at least person to person. If we MUST email, then it should be done from an actual computer/laptop. Our phones should only be used as they were intended, to SPEAK to our friends, families, and associates.

The idea of course was ridiculously simple yet scary. I know I'm a slave to technology and I knew that I would inevitably be faced with the choice to give in and embrace my social retardedness or fight my own compulsion and complete the cleanse. I know I'm weak but I also didn't realize the scope of my addiction to the web. Its day 2 of the Cleanse...and I find that I'm at a loss as to what to do. My first thought as I wake in the morning is "What did I miss on Twitter?" Facebook isn't as much of an addiction as I thought it would be. Frankly I could absolutely do without it if not for my virtual fish in the Fishville app. I admit...I really LOVE my fish tank and I'm competitive as hell. I want to stay ahead of my friends who also use that app. But other than that, I could very easily give it up for a week...longer if necessary. As for myspace, I've all but given it up already. I only visit it maybe once a month if that often. Twitter has become like my crack. I wake up thinking twitter, I got to sleep thinking of it. It really is my crack. I hadn't realized it til this experiment. At first, I didn't want to do it, but I convinced myself that it would be a fun thing to try and I could just give in when it came to be too hard. Then I found out that my friends were placing bets on how long it would take for me to give up. My competitive nature of course screamed for me to prove to them I could last til the end. So here it is day 2, and I desperately want to tweet...but I refuse to give in so soon.

THUS, this blog is my distraction to keep me from throwing in the towel. So, when I'm feeling that uncontrollable urge to tweet or go to Facebook.....I will blog about the struggle. Hopefully this will work and keep me strong til the 8th of January when I will become a tweeting fool again.

or...maybe it will cure me of my obsession. Either way, expect to see more from me in the coming week. ;o) It may not make sense...but it will be interesting...and most definitely RANDOM. ;o)